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A sketch of representative Angeli Parvi Companies follows: 


GlycoFi. Angeli Parvi was founded and funded on the same day in September, 20000, and at the same Thayer School of Engineering Overseers meeting where Angeli Parvi funded GlycoFi. The Overseers had been pondering what should be done regarding Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property at Dartmouth for a long time.


We knew the GlycoFi co-founders, Charles Hutchinson, retired Thayer Dean, and Tillman Gerngross, a very imaginative Thayer Professor very well. We had seen them perform. We had confidence in their judgment and skills. They presented a summary of their business concept and a lament regarding the lack of resources in Hanover to help them. Their lament was exactly what Angeli Parvi was to address. On the spot we launched Angeli Parvi and raised the first funding for what became GlycoFi.


Their objective was to develop a yeast-based method to create exact duplicates of human proteins with all of the sugars properly folded in, to be employed in human therapy with no risk of rejection by the body. Nothing like this had been done before.


It was challenging for sure.


We sold the Enterprise to Merck in 2006 for $400 million cash.


Woomera. Woomera is an Australian Aborigine word meaning Javelin, which is meant to suggest the precision with which Woomera’s proprietary antibodies attack human cancers.


The Principals, William North, a professor at the Dartmouth medical School and Roy Pang are leading a joint effort with Jansen to take the antibodies through clinical trials and introduction to market. 



Precise and rapid antibody design and manufacture for Big Pharma with speed and fidelity not available elsewhere. Very strong technology, growth and performance. Approximately six years after raising first funds, an implied valuation during a recapitalization of $1.5 Billion. Nearly all Big Pharma firms are clients. Very good outlook.


Entrepreneur:  Tillman Gerngross, (again, the reader will note,) a remarkable technology and educational leader in every respect, and both a Professor of Engineering and Vice Provost of Dartmouth for Intellectual Property.


Sound Innovations.

Experts at noise reduction through novel digital means. Their aviation headset was 47 times quieter than Bose’s best.


Successfully sold in 2013.


Entrepreneurs:  Laura Ray, Professor of Engineering and Chris Pearson


SustainEx. A near-isothermal technique coming out of Thayer School to employ compressed air as a way to store and recover solar and wind energy efficiently. Proof-of-concept efforts have been encouraging. Led by Charles Hutchinson, former Thayer Dean. 


Advanced Transit Dynamics.

“Trailer Tail” airfoils to minimize the energy lost in air turbulence at the back-end of 18-wheelers, resulting in 6% fuel savings. Concept developed in founders’ dorm room at Tuck. Product now widely adopted and will be mandated in US and Europe. Recently acquired, 


Entrepreneurs, Andrew Smith, CEO, Tuck ’08, and Keith White, Tuck ’08 who launched the Company while at Tuck. Smith is an effective, focused executive and leader. You may hear from him again. ATD recently successfully sold.


Cognitive Electronics. A new chip technology for use in massively parallel computation, which is 100 times faster than Intel, can deliver. Strong technical performance. Idea came from the Computer Science Department at Dartmouth. Acquisition discussions are underway.


 CEO is Mac Dougherty, Tuck ‘11 a quite resilient leader.


Alta. (Formerly BRD Motorcycles)  A Dartmouth/Thayer populated enterprise with arguably the finest electric motorcycle design to be found today. Battery technology has design roots in Tesla. Small quantity production underway.


Entrepreneur:  Marc Fenigstein, Dartmouth '01, Thayer '03, MEM '04



A novel approach to improve the speed, effectiveness and cost structure of the processes of drug purification. Making good technical and business progress.


Entrepreneur:  Kevin Isett Thayer ‘12, a superb technologist who meets his performance goals.


Clarisond. Innovative software to improve the acoustic imaging of dense breast tissue with the goal of improved, more accurate diagnostics and reduction in biopsies. Entrepreneurs:  Professor Lora Ray whose skills in acoustic processing gave Sound Innovations its 47 times quieting edge over Bose, assisted by Chris Pearson, SI’s former president, Tuck '03. Product and market development underway.


Square2 Systems.  World leaders in applying the power of the Internet to provide science-based, clinically proven treatment for a wide range of mental health issues, which is equal or superior to that provided by trained therapists at much lower cost. Concept exhaustively studied, tested and vetted. Product rollout starts in approximately nine months. Several large customers are clearly interested.    


Entrepreneurs:  Lisa Marsch, a Professor at the Medical School, and Mike Grabinski, skilled software engineer. A team of a remarkable researcher and a remarkable designer of software for the most personal human use in healing


The Mobile Virtual Player

Brain injuries in football, largely stemming from tackling have been a serious, but very slowly recognized health issue for a long time.  Serious and permanent incapacitation is not uncommon.  The viability of the sport is challenged.


Dartmouth Football Coach Buddy Teevens, long an advocate of addressing these issues, and the Dartmouth Thayer School of Engineering, several of whose students were football players, have teamed to develop, build, test and market the concept of a controllable, agile tackling dummy.  A Company, MVP (MobileVirtual Player Inc,) has been formed and is aiming to have a number of these devices on College fields very shortly.  There is wide interest. 


Chairman:  Buddy Teevens

CEO Professor John Currier



Akros means “extremities” in Greek.


Akros CEO Charles Horrell (a Dartmouth and Thayer Graduate) was the design engineer primarily responsible for the AT Dynamics (successfully sold last year) “Trailer Tails”, which through better aerodynamics brought a six percent improvement in fuel consumption to participating eighteen wheelers.  We know Chuck well.  Akros Chairman is Nick Mourlas, a Dartmouth Graduate and serial entrepreneur.


A layman’s view of Akros’s business might state that they are in the business of designing, manufacturing and selling very clever structures to stabilize hands, feet and associated skeletal members in ways which improve surgical outcomes.


First designs are under FDA review.  Surgical opinions have been positive.


FreshAir Sensor Corporation

If all goes as the science and first trials seem to indicate, we will all be sleeping better and in a more healthy environment in the hotels and motels we visit because of FreshAir and Dartmouth Chemistry Professor Joe BelBruno.


The key is (in our view) a most remarkable polymer which Professor BelBruno developed over many years and which virtually instantly recognizes cigarette and marijuana smoke in very minute quantities and provides a very prompt alert.  Hotel and motel operators are enthusiastic, to say the least.  Cleaning a well smoked room can cost on the order of $8,000, and an upset customer.


Thayer engineers are developing the commercial package including alarming and recording.


Pilot installations are well underway.  We will update the web site as events develop.


Founder and CTO

Professor Joe BelBruno


Founder and President

Jack O’Toole, Tuck MBA




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